Charlestown is a new neighbourhood on the Athlone Road, just outside Mullingar, located along the Royal Canal. The canal provided an opportunity to create a large linear park as the focus for the community. An important hedgerow also bisected the site, forming an historic townland boundary and from which the main boulevard through the site is aligned, linking the entrance and the canal with a green corridor.
A community centre and creche are positioned near the entrance, located for the convenience of the residential care home next door and local residents. The community centre addresses the main road with a strong civic presence and landscaping around acts as a gateway into the development.
The 95 houses are a mixture of duplex units, terraces and semi-detached houses. The terraces have been deployed to give a strong building line, particularly onto the park.
Wherever possible houses have been oriented to face onto open space, whether the linear park along the canal or other generous strips of green space along the perimeter of the site and along the roads. The high amount of green space within the site will give it a unique sense of place. We worked closely with the landscape architect to achieve several different green spaces with different distinct characteristics and pedestrian paths throughout.